The Fondation Bettencourt Schueller supports and encourages researchers who contribute to France's influence in the life sciences. This is the first commitment the Foundation made when it was set up in 1987. While it focuses mainly on basic research, its purpose is to improve human health.
Support for researchers
After a period of strategic reflection, the Fondation Bettencourt Schueller wanted to enhance its commitment to researchers and step up its efforts to help French research meet the great challenges facing society to ensure that France remains a key player on the world stage. In 2022, the Foundation launched a new program to support great talents in life sciences research: Impulscience. Intended for researchers in the middle of their careers, Impulscience aims to protect their freedom of innovation and offers them long-term support.
The Foundation also awards two annual prizes that encourage researchers at key points in their careers: the creation of an independent team with the ATIP-Avenir program and the recognition of exceptional discoveries with the Liliane Bettencourt Prize for Life Sciences.
The Foundation also supports creative and ambitious projects on a case-by-case basis.
All of this support is shaping an area of biomedical excellence in French research. The Foundation is also developing an ambitious researcher support network to foster new collaborations and initiatives.
The Scientific Committee
The Foundation’s Scientific Committee chooses Impulscience and life sciences prizes laureates after a rigorous selection process. While each prize has its own rules, the main lines are as follows: submission of applications; examination of eligibility and shortlisting of applicants by the Scientific Committee; appraisal by in-house and outside experts; presentation of the project to the Scientific Committee by the candidate; selection of the laureates.
The Foundation's Scientific Committee is composed of fourteen leading foreign and French scientists. Assisted by the Foundation's permanent team and informed by world-renowned experts, its decisions are entirely independent.
Meet the life sciences prizes winners
Discover the projects supported by the Foundation
Professor Hugues de Thé, President
Professor at the Collège de France, holder of the Chair in Cellular and Molecular Oncology, Paris. Member of the Academy of Sciences, Paris.
Professor Cédric Blanpain
Professor of Developmental Biology and Stem Cells. Director of the Stem Cell and Cancer Laboratory, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine, Belgium.
Professor Paola Bovolenta
Professor at the Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad autónoma de Madrid - Spain. Chaire du programme Tissue and Organ Homeostasis, Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, CSIC-UAM.
Doctor Rosa Cossart
Director of research at the CNRS. Director of the Developmental Footprint on the Adult Hippocampus team at the Mediterranean Institute of Neurobiology (Inmed) - Marseille. Director of the Inmed - Marseille.
Professor Edith Heard
Professor at the Collège de France, holder of the Chair in Epigenetics and Cellular Memory - Paris. Director General of the EMBL - Heidelberg, Germany.
Professor Veit Hornung
Professor of Immunobiochemistry, Genetic Center and Department of Biochemistry, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich - Germany.
Professor Xavier Jeunemaitre
University Professor of Genetics and Hospital Practitioner (PU-PH), Genetics Department at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital (HEGP) - Paris.
Professor Gérard Karsenty
Professor of Genetics and Development, Columbia University - New York, USA. Director of the Department of Genetics and Development, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University Medical Center - New York, USA.
Professor Marc Lecuit
Professor of Medicine and Hospital Practitioner (PU-PH), Head of the BIology of Infection Unit, Institut Pasteur, Inserm, University Paris Cité; Deputy Head of Department of Infectious Diseases at the Necker-enfants malades Hospital - Paris.
Professor Daniel Louvard
Honorary Director, Institut Curie - Paris. Emeritus Director of Research, CNRS - Paris. Honorary Professor, Pasteur Institute - Paris. Member of the Academy of Sciences - Paris. Foreign member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences - USA.
Doctor Marcel Méchali
Director of research at CNRS. Director of Labex EpiGenMed - Montpellier. Director of the Replication and Genome Dynamics team, Institute of Human Genetics - Montpellier. Member of the Academy of Sciences - Paris.
Professor Miriam Merad
Professor of Cancer and Immunology. Director of the Precision Immunology Institute and the Human Immune Monitoring Center, Mount Sinai School of Medicine - New York, USA.
Professor Molly Przeworski
Professor of Population Genetics, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University - New York, USA.
Professor Gisou van der Goot
Professor at the Faculty of Life Sciences. Vice President for Responsible Transformation at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) - Lausanne, Switzerland.


The Liliane Bettencourt Prize for Life Sciences