If your project meets the following criteria, click the "access to the awards and donations platform" button. You will find all the information you need to complete your application on the online application platform.

Are you eligible?

The Foundation invites you to submit an application on its platform.

Unfortunately, the Foundation will not be able to study your project because it does not meet its eligibility criteria.

The Foundation only supports projects in France.

The Foundation only supports projects aimed at the general interest or the common good.

The Foundation does not support commercial or profit-making projects.

The Foundation is currently only considering grant applications in the areas of craftsmanship and choral singing.

If you would like more information, do not hesitate to consult the pages dedicated to our prices and our sponsorship policy. And you can of course write to us via our contact form.

The choosing process


Choosing the type of grant you want

You may request the Foundation's support for a specific project you are undertaking ("project grant") or for your organization ("organization grant"). The appropriate application form depends on this choice, which must be made at the start of the process.


Submitting the application

Fill in your name and that of the organization on behalf of which you are applying. Describe the purpose of your application, your goals, your environment, your organization, your funding and your expectations as precisely as possible. Some documents may be requested to complete your application.


The shortlisting stage

Your application will be reviewed for consistency with the Foundation’s programs. You may be asked to provide additional information or make an appointment to discuss your application.


The selection stage

If your project is shortlisted, it enters the selection stage. Our teams will carry out an increasingly thorough assessment. Our discussions with you will supplement the analysis of the information in your application. In some cases, the Foundation may also appeal to a committee of experts. Once the evaluation is completed, the application is submitted to a collegial body for review and a decision.


The decision

At the end of the selection stage, the Foundation's Board of Directors makes all the decisions. You will be informed of the decision without delay regardless of the outcome.

The application timeline

Whatever the outcome, the Foundation aims to provide an answer no later than six months after the application is submitted. This target is subject to change depending on the number of applications received.

You will be regularly informed of the progress of the process, especially at key moments, by e-mail and in your personal space on the platform.

  • Submission of the application Day 1

  • Second date D + 8 weeks

  • Third date D + 16 weeks