Deliberately open statutes, an explicit body of values and more than 30 years of experience allow the Fondation Bettencourt Schueller to act in different fields and according to varied approaches, from the most temporary to the most permanent. Its modes of action meet the changing needs of project leaders and society.

The Board of Directors

A Board of Directors sets the Foundation’s strategic goals, approves its budget and accounts, decides on the grants to offer based on the proposals submitted by the executive team and committees and provides general oversight of its activities and balance. In addition to the founders and family members, the board includes government officials and qualified individuals.

Fondateurs et membres de la famille

  • Françoise Bettencourt Meyers

    Founder and President

  • Jean-Pierre Meyers

    Corporate Director, Vice President

  • Nicolas Meyers

    Corporate Director

Ex officio members

  • Xavier Darcos, chancelier de l'Institut de France

    Xavier Darcos

    Chancellor of the Institut de France

  • Marc Guillaume, préfet de Paris

    Marc Guillaume

    Prefect of the Ile-de-France region, Prefect of Paris

  • Alain Fischer

    Prof. Alain Fischer

    Honorary Professor at the Collège de France

Representatives of the government and the senior civil service

  • Sylvie Hubac

    Sylvie Hubac

    Council of State honorary member, secretary

  • Jean-Ludovic Silicani

    Jean-Ludovic Silicani

    Council of State honorary member

Qualified individuals from the fields of science, culture and business

  • Gonzague de Blignières

    Gonzague de Blignières

    Co-founder of Raise

  • Philippe Oddo

    Philippe Oddo

    Managing partner at Oddo BHF, treasurer

  • Charles-Henri Filippi

    Charles-Henri Filippi

    Chairman of Evercore France

The statutory auditors are PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit represented by David Clairotte. A financial committee assists the board in setting major orientations, managing resources and monitoring budgets and accounts. Independent juries award the Foundation’s prizes. The grant committee prepares the board’s decisions on conducting other philanthropic operations.

An executive team

According to the board’s orientations and under its supervision, the Foundation is run by Olivier Brault, senior council member of the French Court of Auditors, Director General, who leads a permanent staff of 20 people.

  • Olivier Brault

    Honorary senior council member of the French Court of Auditors, Director General

The Foundation also benefits from the assistance of outside experts in its various areas of activity.

Statuts de la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller