- Solidarity
Clubhouse France Helping people with mental health issues return to social and professional life
An association facilitating the social and professional reintegration of people with mental health problems Association's website

Clubhouse France promotes the inclusion of people with mental health issues, who are often isolated and unemployed. The “clubhouses" are real living spaces that facilitate their socialization and professional reintegration.
In France, two million people have a severe mental health disorder (bipolarity, schizophrenia or severe depression). In 2010, Clubhouse France brought a social innovation pioneered in the United States in 1948 to France. "Clubhouses" have already opened in over 30 countries. This model of social reintegration through work is already helping people in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Lille and Nantes. It makes up for the lack of support for reentering the job or social life.
An innovative and caring approach to integration
For vulnerable people, clubhouses are a safe haven and a place to socialize. A unique methodology based on socialization and empowerment through work is the key to their recovery. These welcoming places of interaction and activities give them a sense of community and social usefulness. They take back their lives and restore their self-confidence by becoming proactive and getting involved in clubhouse management. The clubhouse model has good results and helps give tens of thousands of people a desire to live and a worthy place in society.
The foundation’s support
The Bettencourt Schueller Foundation has supported Clubhouse France since its inception. Kindness, a groundbreaking comprehensive approach and professionalism offer people in search of reintegration the prospect of self-fulfillment.
Grants for solidarity
Promoting a society in which everyone finds their place.
See all projects in the field of Solidarity