Salwan Maqdasy Understanding the cause of cardiovascular complications in diabetes
Salwan Maqdasy, post-doctorate under the supervision of Professor Mikael Rydén, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
- 2019 • Bettencourt Prize for Young Researchers

The 2019 Bettencourt Young Researchers Prize was awarded to post-doctoral fellow Salwan Maqdasy for his work on cardiovascular complications in diabetes patients.
Preventing cardiovascular complications in diabetes patients
"My goal is to understand whether cardiovascular complications in diabetes patients are caused by diabetes alone or the metabolic dysfunction of adipose tissue independent of diabetes. I am trying to identify biomarkers useful for early diagnosis of cardiovascular disease and the development of therapeutic targets for diabetes patients."Dr. Maqdasy is a physician-researcher specializing in endocrinology-diabetology. He wants to understand the molecular link between infertility and metabolic diseases such as obesity and dyslipidemia. As a post-doctoral fellow, he will focus on adipose tissue and diabetes. He will try to understand the cause of cardiovascular complications in connection with diabetes or with the metabolic dysfunction of adipose tissue. He will study a Swedish national cohort to identify metabolic abnormalities in patients with and without diabetes in connection with cardiovascular complications.
Salwan Maqdasy in a few words
2013: Doctorate in medicine: “Dysthyroidism following the reintroduction of amiodarone in patients with a history of amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism (AHI)", under the supervision of Professor Igor Tauveron, Clermont Auvergne University - Specialization in Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases
2016: Doctoral dissertation: “Involvement of Liver X Receptors in gonadal pathophysiology", under the supervision of Professor Jean-Marc Lobaccaro and Dr. Silvère Baron, Genetics, Reproduction and Development Laboratory, Clermont Auvergne University Medical School (Clermont-Ferrand), Life, Health and Environmental Sciences Graduate School - Specialization in Molecular Endocrinology
Salwan Maqdasy, post-doctorate under the supervision of Professor Mikael Rydén, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Bettencourt Prize for Young Researchers
Created in 1990, the Bettencourt Prize for Young Researchers is one of the first initiatives of the Fondation Bettencourt Schueller. Until 2021, this prize was awarded each year to 14 young doctors of science or doctors of medicine, to enable them to carry out their post-doctoral stay in the best foreign laboratories. 349 young researchers were distinguished. The prize endowment was €25,000.
All the award-winners